

It might be tough news to some, but the world's largest science fiction series comes from Germany. Since September 1961, every week one episode is published (so we are well past 3000 episodes now), each of the length of about 100 pocketbook pages. That makes PERRY RHODAN the longest continuous story told since the invention of writing ... and that's only the main series! In addition, there was the spinoff series ATLAN, running 850 episodes, and currently we also have a reboot called PERRY RHODAN NEO, published every second week, now at about 250 volumes. All in all, PERRY RHODAN sold about 2 billion copies worldwide. It's a phenomenon!


Presentation held at U-Con, 2017

You can read more about this in Wikipedia.

My contribution consists of 6 pocketbooks for PERRY RHODAN NEO (2 of which I did together with Oliver Plaschka, another one with Marie Erikson) ...

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... 2 STELLARIS short stories (one of which I did together with Marie Erikson) ...


... 2 novelettes for the mini series PERRY RHODAN–Stardust ...

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... 1 pocketbook of 400 pages ...


... and a bunch of novelettes for the main series:

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